The Teacher is one of the 5-fold ministry office gifts given by God to the body of Christ. Although it is listed third in the foundational list found in 1 Corinthians 12:28 as well as in Ephesians 4:11, the office of the Teacher is certainly the least discussed and most misunderstood of the 5-fold ministry. The “red-headed step-child”, if you will. However, the Teacher is essential in equipping believers to become productive citizens of the Kingdom who are able to both accurately represent the King and also produce what He wants. The Teacher is not merely one assigned to facilitate a Sunday school lesson, but rather one who, through their own depth of study and passion for Truth, is able to come alongside the Apostle (blueprint holding leader) and the Prophet (one with the “see and say” ministry found in Habakkuk 2), identifying HOW to equip and train Kingdom citizens, enabling them to grow up into maturity and produce righteous fruit. This office gift is VITAL to grow up believers and successfully give Father what He desires.